Email: Use the "Mail" function in the main menu on Blackboard.
Email Availability: Please ask substantive questions on Blackboard. Email me for emergencies or issues that can not be adressed on the discussion board in Blackboard.
Office hours: At your convenience on Zoom. Email me in Blackboard to book a meeting. My Zoom meeting room is here.
Room number: NWN 6105 6:30-9:20pm.
Text: Jahngiani, R.S. et al (2020). Research Methods in Psychology. (4th Ed.) Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Link here.
Email Requirements : All emails should include: 1) Your name, student number and the number of the course you are enrolled in, 2) A salutation such as "Hello Dr Jackson....", 3) An appropriate ending to the email thanking the person for their time in considering your request. For emails about grades, consult this.
The purpose of this course is to teach students basic knowledge of research methods, data analysis and statistics. Students will gain sufficient familiarity with research methods to conduct their own experiment, analyze the data deriving from the experiment and report the results in written form. Many forms of research methods including philosophy of science, research design, data analysis, statistics and measurement will be covered. By the end of the course, students should be able to conduct an analysis of data generated in a survey or experiment and give a presentation of the results of the analysis.
In addition to covering practical issues faced in the analysis of data, the course also covers basic issues in hypothesis testing and psychological measurement that are not usually addressed in undergraduate statistics courses.
In the course there will be 1 midterm exam worth 25% of the course grade and 1 final exam worth 30% of the course grade. Students will have 60 minutes ON BLACKBOARD to complete each exam. The exams will consist of multiple choice questions.
All exams are to be completed Online. ONLY MEDICAL conditions are accepted for exam accomodations. Supporting medical documentation must be provided for a missed exam within 4 days of the exam. There are no exceptions or make-up assignments.Ongoing psychological states and conditions are not medical conditions. To seek accomodations for these kinds of conditions, please see accessibility services. I do not give accommodations for these conditions, College policy does not allow it!
There is one group research project assignment in the course. This is the major teaching component of the course. By doing their own research project, students will learn to apply the principles of research methods to a real experiment. Students are expected to open and manage their own project thread on Blackboard in which they will develop, propose and maintain a dailogue with the instructor about their project. This thread will receive 20% of the course grade and the final project paper will receive 25% of the course grade.
Introduction to the course. Description of course software/materials for the course. Introduction to the course objectives and subject matter.
Watch these videos: How The Course Works, The Rules.
Week 2 - May 14: Online
Lectures: Lecture 1
Text: The Science of Psychology, Overview of The Scientific Method
Lectures: Lecture 2
Text: Experimental Research
Lectures: Lecture 3
Text: Factorial Designs
Lectures: Lecture 4
Text: Presenting Your Research
Project: Project discussion board thread must be established on Blackboard by June 6th.
Lectures: None
Text: None
First Exam - 35 multiple choice. To be written on Tuesday June 11th any time between 6:30 pm and 8:30 pm.
Lectures: Validity
Lectures: To be given in person on July 2nd
Lectures: Lecture 7
Text: Survey Research
Lectures: Lecture 8
Text: Quasi-Experimental Research
Project approval, July 11th.
Lectures: Lecture 9
Text: Data Analysis
Lectures: Lecture 10
Text: Inferrential Statistics
Second Exam - 40 multiple choice. To be written on Tuesday July 23rd any time between 6:30 pm and 8:30 pm.
Lectures: Analyzing your data in SPSS
Text: None
Final Project Due on Blackboard, Tuesday Aug 6th. No extensions granted.
Cheating , which includes plagiarism, occurs where a student or group of students uses or attempts to use unauthorized aids, assistance, materials or methods. Cheating is a serious educational offense.
Plagiarism occurs where the student represents the work of another person as his or her own. Douglas College condemns all forms of cheating.
The college will discipline students found to be cheating. Discipline may include:
1. a grade of zero may be awarded for the affected assignment, test, paper, analysis, etc.;
2. a failing grade may be assigned in the affected course;
3. referral to the College President for the assignment of discipline, which may include suspension from the college.
All tests are to be completed ONLINE. ONLY MEDICAL extensions given prior to the assessment are accepted for tests, exercises and assignments. Supporting medical documentation must be provided for a missed test within 4 days of the test. Ongoing psychological states and conditions are not medical. To seek accomodations for these conditions consult student services. Threre are NO MAKEUP ASSIGNMENTS IN THE COURSE.
For students with accommodations at accessibility services, follow the guidance of your representative at accessibility services. There is no need to contact me in advance about any assignment extension or missed tests, I am not permitted to inquire about or know the details I would need to know in order to make a rational, justified decision about test or assignment accommodations. I am also not permitted by College policy to make a unilateral decision about accommodations.