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Dr Jackson Home 
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Welcome to Applied Research Methods in Psychology. From this page you can access all the information you will need to complete the course. Links are available to course lecture templates, selected lecture notes, readings, learning objectives, and instructor contact information. I hope you enjoy the course. Jeremy Jackson
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Lecture 7 Videos
Jeremy Jackson
|     January 3, 2024
|     New Westminster
Thomas Edison: "Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something"

Distance in Excel (Review): Here
Distance Formula Video (Review)
Distance in SPSS: Lecture 7, video number one

Principal Components Analysis 1: Lecture 7, video number two

Principal Components Analysis 2: Lecture 7, video number three

Principal Components Analysis 3: Lecture 7, video number four

Principal Components Analysis 4: Lecture 7, video number five

Principal Components Analysis 5: Lecture 7, video number six

Principal Components Analysis 6: Lecture 7, video number seven

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